World Heart Day 29 sep 2015 & Nonviolence Week Celebration - Competitions

World Heart Day,
which used to take place every year on the last Sunday in September, is
organized by the World Heart Federation, and has been celebrated
annually since 2000. As of 2011, World Heart Day is celebrated every 29 September and no
longer on the last Sunday of September. Together with its members, the
World Heart Federation spreads the news that at least 80% of premature
deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided if the main risk
factors, tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, are
controlled. Collaborators of the World Heart Federation include several
major international non-profits such as the Indian Heart Association.
National activities such as public talks and screenings, walks and
runs, concerts or sporting events are organized worldwide by members and
partners of the World Heart Federation. It is a chance for people
across the globe to take part in the world’s biggest intervention
against cardiovascular disease (CVD). This year’s theme for WHD is Creating healthy, heart choices for everyone everywhere.