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Knowledge Resource Centre Wishes You All A Happy and Prosperous New Year

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


World Lupus Day increases awareness of lupus and helps gather support for the more than 5 million people affected by this condition worldwide.
Lupus is a serious, life-altering autoimmune disease that can affect any organ of the body. Lupus is a disease which remains under-recognized and under-appreciated.
An autoimmune disease is one in which the immune system is unable to recognize the difference between healthy cells in the body and the foreign cells it fights to remove. A healthy immune system produces antibodies which attack and destroy foreign and invasive cells like viruses, bacteria and germs.

However, in people with lupus, the immune system creates auto antibodies which destroys healthy tissue. The consequence of this can be widespread, causing damage, inflammation and pain throughout the body. Lupus is a potentially fatal disease. Most organs and other parts of the body can be affected, including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and skin.

This Event Is Observed Around The World

To raise awareness of lupus around the globe, during the early 21st century, a World Lupus Day was set for the 10th of May each year. This date was set following agreement by representatives of lupus organizations from 13 different nations worldwide.
Awareness events for World Lupus Day are held in most of the continents of the world including, North & South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Lupus awareness day events can vary between nations.
Activities in Africa promoting this day have been focused in the Republic of Mauritius. These activities include distributing awareness posters, selling silver jewelry in the shape of the lupus group logo ('Wings of Hope'), selling Lupus Alert UV Sun protective umbrellas and educating the media on lupus and how they help raise awareness.
In the United Kingdom, Lupus UK (the UK's leading lupus support organization), has educated school children and students about lupus. Lupus UK provide materials including interactive books marks, bright posters and stickers to help engage with pupils and students.
To raise the profile of this event and increase awareness, World Lupus Day is supported by Julian Lennon, a musician and son of John Lennon (who was a world famous member of the Beatles pop group).
Julian Lennon is a Global Ambassador for the Lupus Foundation of America. Lupus claimed the life of Julian Lennon's childhood friend Lucy, who lost her battle with lupus in 2009 at the young age of 46.