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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

International Consumer Rights Day!

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March 15th is celebrated as an international Consumer Rights Day!

J.F. Kennedy, the president of the USA, declared the consumers rights publicly for the first time on the March 15th 1962 and this day has been celebrated as a consumers day ever since. The purpose of the day is to pay more attention to the rights of the consumers among both entrepreneurs and consumers themselves.

The main rights of consumers, listed in the Estonian Consumer Protection Act with the provisions of the UN Guidelines, are:

1) demand and obtain goods and services which meet the requirements, are harmless to the life, health and property of the consumers, and are not prohibited from being owned or used;
2) obtain necessary and truthful information on the goods and services offered in order to make a conscious choice, and timely information on any risks relating to the goods or services;
3) obtain information on consumer law and other issues relating to consumption;
4) obtain advice and assistance if their rights are violated;
5) demand compensation for any patrimonial or non-patrimonial damage caused to them;
6) request that their interests be taken into account and that they be represented through consumers' federations and associations in the decision-making process on consumer policy issues.