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Thursday, 8 June 2017

World Oceans Day & World Brain Tumor Day

World Brain Tumor Day 2017
World Brain Tumor Day takes place on June 08, 2017. The "Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V." (German Brain Tumor Association) is a non-profit organisation which provides information and support to brain tumor patients. As a tribute to all brain tumor patients and their families the association announced the World Brain Tumor Day in 2000 as an international commemoration day.
Since the founding of the German Brain Tumor Association in 1998 more than 500 members from fourteen nations have been registered. The association is supported by patients and their family members as well as health professionals and scientists. A key goal is to seek a cure for brain tumors.

The World Oceans Day theme for 2017 is "Our Oceans, Our Future" 

The main conservation focus will be on plastic pollution prevention and cleaning the ocean of marine litter.