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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

World Refugee Day 2017

World Refugee Day 2017

World Refugee Day 2017 will be celebrated all through the world by the people on 20th of June, at Tuesday.

World Refugee Day History

World Refugee Day is observed every year by the people on 20th of June in order to raise the public awareness about refugee’s situations throughout the world. Celebrating World Refugee Day annually on 20th of June was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in the Resolution 55/76 on 4th of December in 2000. It was started celebrating worldwide as an annual event from 2001 on every 20th of June.
The World Refugee Day celebration of 2001 has marked as the 50th anniversary of 1951 Convention Refugees status by the United Nations General Assembly. It has been started celebrating in several countries all around the world from 2000. It is celebrated on different dates and weeks in many countries.

Why World Refugee Day is Celebrated

World refugee day is celebrated every year on 20th of June to support millions of families all over the world who have lost their homes and dear ones because of violence or war. The day was established by the General Assembly of United Nations for the refugees to honor them for their courage of facing lots of problems after losing homes due to conflict or violence and their contributions to their communities. World refugee day celebration provides an opportunity to all to help the refugees worldwide to rebuild their quality lives through lots of related activities.
Refugees are provided variety of lifesaving assistance, safety and protection by the government agencies and organizations. They are provided tents, shelter, living materials supplies and served with the life-saving services. The goal of celebrating this event is increasing public awareness among common public by sharing the related refugee stories.
It is celebrated to remind people about the all failures of an international community or home conflicts which forced lots of families to leave their home and go another place to save their life. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has taken big steps for immediate support to all the humanitarian needs of the refugees. However, it needs some important actions by the governments and other private organizations as well on national and regional level to fully control the refugee’s condition.
It is celebrated to eliminate all the horrific violence from the countries and community which is the main reason of people’s displacement and formation of refugee. 55% of all the refugees come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Sudan. The event is established to prevent huge scale difficulties leading to the violence in the international communities and to promote the life saving solutions for refugees.
Refugees are taken as the asset and strength of the country and not as the burden. They are survivors and should get proper help and support timely. It is very necessary to draw people’s attention towards the refugee’s conditions to honor their courage and solve their problems.

How World Refugee Day is Celebrated

World refugee day event is celebrated by organizing variety of related activities all through the world to increase awareness among society and to highlight over the issues contributing to the conditions of refugees in the society. Some of the activities include:
  • Participants involved in the event celebration protests against holding the migrants and asylum seekers to the prison.
  • Refugee’s real stories are screened as a movie to show their life styles.
  • Association members of the organization provide moral support to the refugees by meeting them in the imprisonment.
  • Requesting government organizations for better management of the asylum seekers.
  • Awareness activities are carried out by the celebrities, humanitarian aid workers, civilians and other famous group people for more effect.
  • People living in the community are encouraged to participate in the event celebration through the social media.
  • Refugee camps are organized to solve their problems by distributing them shelters, necessary goods, tents, plastic sheets, blankets and etc.
  • They are also availed with free clinics, schools, water resources and etc for supporting them psychosocially and physically.
  • Discussions and debates activities are organized in the schools and colleges.

World Refugee Day Theme

The annual celebration of the world refugee day is based on the particular theme of the year to effectively run the campaign. Some of the year wise themes are mentioned below:
  • The theme of 2015 was “With courage let us all combine”.
  • The theme of 2014 was “Migrants and Refugees: Towards a Better World”.
  • The theme of 2013 was “Take 1 minute to support a family forced to flee”.
  • The theme of 2012 was “1 family torn apart by war is too many”.
  • The theme of 2011 was “1 refugee without hope is too many.”
  • The theme of 2010 was “1 refugee forced to flee is too many”.
  • The theme of 2009 was “Home”.
  • The theme of 2008 was “Protection”.
  • The theme of 2007 was “Perseverance.”
  • The theme of 2006 was “Hope”.
  • The theme of 2005 was “Courage”.
  • The theme of 2004 was “Courage”.
  • The theme of 2003 was “Refugee Youth: Building the Future”.
  • The theme of 2002 was “Tolerance”.
  • The theme of 2001 was “Respect”.