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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Wprld Forestry Day/ World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day
World Poetry Day is a time to appreciate and support poets and poetry around the world. It is held on March 21 each year and is an initiative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

What Do People Do?

Many people around the world celebrate World Poetry Day on or around March 21 each year. Government agencies, educators, community groups and individuals get involved in promoting or participating in the day. World Poetry Day is an opportunity for children to be introduced to poetry in classrooms. It is a time when classrooms are busy with lessons related to poetry, in which students examine poets and learn about different types of poetry.
Poets may be invited to read and share their work to audiences at book stores, cafes, universities and schools. Awards and other forms or recognition are made to honor poets and their work. Exhibitions and poetry evenings are also be held to showcase the work of various poets on or around March 21 to coincide with World Poetry Day.


In November 1999, UNESCO designated World Poetry Day to be held on March 21 each year.  The organization recognized the important role of poetry in the arts and in cultures throughout the world and over time. It also wanted the day to promote the efforts of small publishers with regard to publishing poetry. The day also focused on promoting a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, as well as strengthening the association between poetry and other forms of expression, such as dance, music, and painting. The first World Poetry Day was held on March 21, 2000.

World Forestry Day
March 21 is the United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Forests, which promotes the importance of forests and trees in our lives. The day addresses issues such as deforestation.
The UN works with governments, community organizations, and the general public to promote both local and global activities for the International Day of Forests. Activities include:
  • Tree planting campaigns.
  • Photo exhibits that portray the importance forests and trees.
  • Sharing infographics, videos, news and messages via social and other media.

About International Day of Forests

Forests cover about one third of the world’s land mass. Roughly 1.6 billion people, including more than 2000 indigenous cultures, depend on forests for their livelihood. Forests are vital to the planet for many reasons, including:
  • Providing shelter for more than half of the terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects.
  • Contributing to the balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide and humidity in the air.
  • Protecting watersheds, which supply fresh water to rivers.
The UN first celebrated the International Day of Forests on March 21, 2013. This initiative follows from the International Year of Forests.

Did You Know?

Deforestation accounts for 12 to 20 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, according to the

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