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Tuesday, 3 July 2018

International Plastic Bag Free Day

Created by Bag Free World, a “global initiative that aims to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bags,” International Bag Free Day is an unofficial holiday that promotes environmental conservation by encouraging people to reject plastic bags. The holiday also raises awareness of the harm that plastic bags do to nature and to animals and marine life.

How to Celebrate?

  • Say no to single-use plastic bags.
  • Take your own cloth or paper bag when you go shopping. Not only will you be saving money – several grocery stores give discounts for patrons bringing in their own bags, you will also be helping to save the environment.
  • If you are crafty, make your own bag and carry it with style.
  • Volunteer your time or money with an environmental organization that works on cleaning water and landmasses of plastic bags.
  • Recycle all the plastic in your house and office.
  • Spread the word to your family and friends.
  • If you are a company, why not make promotional cloth bags to give away to your clients and customers?

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